In English

Marketing mobile : Les nouvelles habitudes de consommation (étude à télécharger)

J’ai eu l’occasion en fin d’année dernière de me plonger dans un sujet de marketing digital fort passionnant : les nouvelles habitudes de consommation liées aux mobiles, et leurs impacts sur les stratégies marketing. Cette thesis réalisée m’a permis d’aller au delà de mes convictions actuelles, pour creuser méthodiquement le sillon des habitudes mobiles (qu’est …

Marketing mobile : Les nouvelles habitudes de consommation (étude à télécharger) Lire la suite »

[In english] How to choose an advanced master in digital? (when you’re 36 and French)

My article on « Digital me up » blog You want to pursue your studies with a great diploma, and learn more about the digital world? That was my position 1 year ago, when I had the idea to begin an advanced master in digital business. Let me tell you about this personal experience: how I chose …

[In english] How to choose an advanced master in digital? (when you’re 36 and French) Lire la suite »

[In english] 3 tips to create successful virtual teams

My article on Do you know what « Nemawashi » means? It’s a Japanese word which defines a first meeting organized to gather support and feedback from the audience before an official meeting. What’s the use? In Japan, people are looking for the consent of all sides (not the majority!). Moreover, executives don’t like to hear new …

[In english] 3 tips to create successful virtual teams Lire la suite »

[In english] Why Google’s “Micro-moments” is a game-changing concept

My article on ‘Digital Me Up’ blog. During a recent course from our Master, we had the opportunity to talk about innovation with a Google insider, Arnaud de Terline. From a marketing point of view, innovation often leads to new ways to interact with our customers. While Arnaud focused on mobile innovation, he mentioned several …

[In english] Why Google’s “Micro-moments” is a game-changing concept Lire la suite »